Monday, May 5, 2008

Handling the Bumps in the Road

I didn't get a chance to look up suggestions too heavily. I did see that the checklist will be a great way to help the students and also to have a meeting to clarify again with the teachers.

We met briefly on Monday and again our meeting almost ran away from the focus with having to deal with a student issue. However, we were able to modify the checklist I came up with and to create an example final product for the students to review. We still as a team need to discuss what the expectations are going forward. I had many students mentioned how Ben (English) told them something different to do for the project.

To help remedy this problem as well as to not have each teacher have to be that in depth with the knowledge of other subjects, I suggested the students go back to the teacher. They have the ability to go to different rooms for questions. I reminded them for the lab work go to DeAnn (science) and for graphs come to me. I didn't say this in the nicest way so I will have to apologize to my students as well. The end of the year antics of students is increasing. I found myself losing patience with the students as we attempted to go through the project.

Today, I worked with the students with the questions they created for the school survey. The original questions submitted by the students were a mixture of good and bad. As a learning exercise, each class discussed how to make questions better and voted what questions to keep. Although the goal of learning how to revise and improve decision making was great, I don't think it was achieved with the method chosen. I chose to do it as a class. Many students tuned out and some were not active in the voting process. Next time, I will divide them into groups and have them edit them in the small groups first. I will then have them do it as an entire class.

To see the students' original question, revised question and final survey questions, check out under management section.

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